Raising Mosquito Larvae for Fish Food
How to Raise Mosquito Larvae for Fish Food Some fish need to be fed live food, which is often more expensive than flakes or pellets. If you hope to breed your fish, you may have to feed them live food during their mating cycle. Regardless of the reason, you choose to feed your fish live food, raising your own could be more convenient and cost-effective than purchasing it from pet stores. Raising mosquito larvae is extremely simple and can provide nutritious food for your fish free of charge! All it takes is a container to hold water, a little patience, and a watchful eye. Part 1 Preparing a Friendly Environment for Mosquito Larvae 1. Get a water container for your larvae. There are many container options that you can choose from to grow mosquito larvae. Larger containers will permit you to grow more larvae, but remember that the larvae you don’t harvest will eventually hatch into mosquitos in your yard. Make sure to use a new or clean food-grade container . Do not use one that ha...